Level 100 is officially open for business!
After more than 2 years of imagination, innovation, and a bit of friendly wrangling with their resident narsharks, 100 Story Building has officially opened the doors of its new creative hub in Footscray!
Vale Jim Hart
We are saddened to share the news of the passing of Jim Hart — a beacon of support and friendship at 100 Story Building.
Story Hub Artist Call Out
This is a unique opportunity to use your artistic practice to work alongside school communities, to support creativity, imagination and agency in learning.
Our Early Harvest schools for 2024
Welcome our four returning and three brand new schools for our thirteenth Early Harvest program!
DECEMBER NEWS | Past, Present and Yet to Come…
December Enews | As we come to the end of the year, we take a lead out of a famous Christmas story and get (metaphorically) visited by three ghosts. Look back on our past year, hear about our present activity, and get a hint of what’s yet to come in this month’s news!
NOVEMBER NEWS | We have lift-off!
November Enews | We’ve launched so many things this month it’s a wonder we could get back down to Earth to tell you about them! There’s our new book, Write Fight Flee!; two of our three new Story Hubs; the evaluation report for Story Hubs 2023; and even more!
We’re looking for new facilitators!
Do you love a good story? Do you know what makes a story good? If your imagination's as big as a narwhal, and creativity is your thing, we want you to apply to be a 100 Story Building facilitator!
Story Hubs 2023 - Evaluation Summary
A summary of student and teacher outcomes from year one of our 2023-2025 Story Hubs program. From the evaluation report by Clear Horizon Consulting.
Response to the Referendum Result
100 Story Building continues to stand in solidarity with First Nations communities, and will continue to listen, learn and act. Read our full statement in response to the referendum outcome here.
OCTOBER NEWS | Escape Time
October Enews | Write Fight Flee! launches on 28 October, two of our Story Hubs open this month, applications are open for new Story Hubs schools for 2024, and much more! Plus we hope you’ll join us to vote Yes on 14 October.
100 Story Building says Yes to a Voice
We see every day how respecting, amplifying and listening to the voices of young people about decisions that affect them leads to better outcomes. That’s why we’re supporting a Yes vote in the Voice to Parliament Referendum.
Read our full statement here on our website.
SEPTEMBER NEWS | Counting down
September Enews | Our newest book is off to press, applications are open for the 2024 Early Harvest program, our new Story Hubs are being built, our next holiday program is nearly here, and one of our after school participants has been published in the local paper!
AUGUST NEWS | Visits and Visitors
August Enews | Our Story Hubs finish the co-design stage, Julia brings us back a book from an international conference for Youth Writing Centres, our new building is visited by neighbour and local MP Katie Hall, our Creative Club participants try out some new audio production gear, and much more!
JULY NEWS | New faces
July Enews | Winter holiday program wrap-up, plus: new staff, new board members, a new Story Hubs artist, a new Early Harvest author, and our latest community consultation!
Meet our newest team member Julia Gregg!
Introducing Julia Gregg our new Strategic Operations & Enterprise Lead
Meet our new Carlton Story Hubs artist, Abbey Rich!
Get to know our Carlton Story Hub artist Abbey Rich.
Meet our new Geelong Story Hubs artist, Laura Alice!
Get to know our Geelong Story Hub artist Laura Alice.
Meet our new Sunshine North Story Hubs artist, Jess Wilson!
Get to know our Sunshine Story Hub Artist Jessica Wilson.
JUNE NEWS | School Holiday Fun
June Enews | Winter school holiday programs, Story Hub artists and Early Harvest #12 book title! Plus a special article detailing one of our most popular workshops.