LGA & Community Consultations

Engage and inspire children and young people with 100 Story Building community consults

Since 2013, 100 Story Building has delivered hundreds of creative programs to more than 45,000 participants, and gained considerable experience and an impressive track record developing spaces and delivering programs for children and young people. We have supported teachers, educators, communicators, policy makers, and facilitators to more effectively reach and engage children and young people.

We have worked with a number of government, arts and culture, and community clients on program and consultation projects including: Maribyrnong City Council, Brimbank City Council, City Libraries, Wyndham City Council, Hume City Council, Mclelland Gallery and Sculpture Park, Melton City Council, Lentara Uniting Care and many more.

We have held professional development workshops with clients including Deakin University, the Royal Botanical Gardens Victoria, State Library of Victoria, Australian Science Communicators, CoHealth, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Ardoch, and the Starlight Foundation

As a social enterprise rather than a for-profit consulting company, income generated by our consulting work is used to run story making programs for children and young people in schools and communities who would otherwise not be able to afford them. By choosing to work with 100 Story Building, you will support young people across Victoria better engage with their creativity and education.

Participant smiles wearing 100 Story Building vest


Consultation workshops with young people

We can be your eyes and ears on the ground to listen to what children and young people really want and need from their Councils. We can deliver rich results from LGA primary schools, engaging with classrooms across grades 3-8. Workshops can be delivered to classes in ways that connect with civics and citizenship curriculum themes, developing discussions and meaningful responses to complex themes, issues and developments. Our arts-led approach ensures that children are engaged through storytelling and story-making, in a context that ensures the sense of safety that is essential to sharing ideas, taking creative risks, and honouring the voice of the child.

Masterclasses & Workshops

These are unique workshops designed to share latest insights & approaches to engaging with children and young people. In these workshops, we provide you key data as well the latest tools and engagement products to support your staff when working with children. They are designed to build capacity and support staff capability in youth engagement, consultation and facilitation. We can help develop and establish sustainable feedback loops to regularly inform and empower children’s voice through accessible avenues.

Strategic policy and/or programs development

We have deep expertise in designing strategies and informing policy for Councils to guide the way they engage and consult with children and young people. We will engage with you, young people and key stakeholders to develop strategies and policies that are tailored to the specific and localised needs of your Council and the children and young people who live, play and learn in your community. We believe in systems change, and work collaboratively to build capacity and enhance capabilities in order to realise long-lasting impact. Our approach can include and incorporate co-design, education programs and professional learning, project management, policy consultation, creative program development and delivery, and evaluation.

100 Story Building is dedicated to a collaborative and engaged process in both the development and delivery of our consultation work.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to speak further at info@100storybuilding.org.au