Early Harvest is Australia’s only creative project supporting primary students to write, edit and illustrate a professionally-published book.
We help teachers build narrative writing units in which every student creates a story for submission, then bring together an editorial board of Year 5 and 6 students who curate the best stories and produce heaps of extra features for the final anthology!
Important information about the 2025 Early Harvest Program
Due to unforeseen capacity and budget issues, 100 Story Building will not be running the 2025 Early Harvest Program. We know this will be a big blow to schools who have enjoyed participating in the program for the past decade and for the young writers and editors who were excited to create the 2025 book.
Please know, we are committed to seeing this program into the future and will spend this year reshaping and evolving Early Harvest so it becomes a sustainable program for us to deliver, we are also building financial infrastructure to better support Early Harvest into the future.
For now, we are taking expressions of interest for the 2026 program via email info@100storybuilding.org.au
And we are offering schools interested in participating in future programs bespoke in-school workshops and teacher professional learning based on our Early Harvest program to support narrative units and grow storymaking and literacy skills. Contact bookings@100storybuilding.org.au to talk to one of our team members about in-school workshops.
About Early Harvest
Early Harvest is Australia’s only program that enables upper primary students to write, edit and illustrate a professionally published short story anthology.
This curriculum-aligned program, running since 2011, offers a complete narrative unit with a focus on student engagement.
The Early Harvest publishing program has two main components.
A school program supporting teachers to deliver a narrative unit and students to generate story submissions for a professionally-designed and distributed anthology of short stories
An editorial program offered to a select group of students to field the submissions, select the winning entries and produce the book.
Want to know more?
Term 1 Activities
Early Harvest in Term 1 has a dual focus:
1. Dynamic in-school experiences to help students build key storymaking and literacy skills that will lay the groundwork for them to create and edit their work for submission.
2. Teacher Professional Learning support to introduce 100 Story Building’s writing approach and help create narrative units that integrate with the program.
Term 2 Activities
In Term 2, the Early Harvest school program really comes to life! Students start to develop the written work that they will eventually submit for consideration, teachers delve into further professional learning, and children’s authors discuss their inspirations and the craft of writing.
(Past authors include Maxine Beneba Clarke, Andy Griffiths, Davina Bell and Andrew McDonald)
Term 3 and Beyond
The final outcome of the Early Harvest program is a professionally published print anthology of amazing student stories, comics and other content created throughout the year. Selection of stories for publication is a student-driven process.
With the help of 100 Story Building resources and strategies, your students will curate and submit the best stories from their class to Early Harvest’s student editorial committee. That committee then reviews submissions, gives feedback to writers and selects the content that will be featured in the book.
The Editorial Committee is a team of Year 5/6 students drawn from each of the program’s participating schools. Applications for this key role open during Term 2, and the team meets weekly throughout Term 3 to craft the book. We will work with your team to identify which of your students are best suited to this opportunity, which is primarily targeted at students from underrepresented backgrounds, specifically those falling into the bottom quarter of socio-educational advantage.
The Editorial committee will not be running in 2025.
Is the Early Harvest Program running in 2025?
Unfortunately no, we are busy shaping the 2026 program so we can launch a new sustainable version of the program later in the year.
What year levels can participate?
The program is designed for Year 5 and 6. With some adaptation and extra allowance of time and effort from teachers, students from Years 3 and 4 are welcome to participate.
How can our school participate in elements of the Early Harvest program in 2025?
100 Story Building can work with your school to deliver bespoke in-school workshops and supported teacher learning similar to what is usually covered in the Early Harvest program. While there won’t be a printed anthology or the editor program this year, we can build key storymaking and literacy skills for students and teachers.
Contact bookings@100storybuilding.org.au to find out how we can work with you.
The 2024 Book: Two-Faced Tales!
Our 2024 Early Harvest book is out now - and you can order it direct from us!
What would you do if you were betrayed by your best friend? Or if you found yourself surviving in the middle of a dark forest, surrounded by monstrous beings who are sneaking up behind you?!
Two-Faced Tales is a collection of 13 shocking stories that were written, illustrated and edited by young Australians, along with an original contribution by bestselling author Alice Pung.
All proceeds from sales of our books fund Early Harvest and other 100 Story Building programs.
Buy Early Harvest books
Early Harvest is a great classroom aid to encourage reading and inspire writing among upper-primary students.
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