AUGUST NEWS | Visits and Visitors
Image description: Artist Abbey Rich works with students at Carlton Primary School on design ideas for their Story Hub. Photo by Jessica Tran.
Visits to and from the 99 levels!
As we bid farewell to Winter, we've had a month full of visits: artists in our Story Hubs, new staff member Julia in Scotland, and local MP Katie Hall in our new 100 Story Building! And that's on top of the usual stream of visitors from the imaginations of the young people we work with.
Our Story Hubs have completed the co-design stage, in which our guest artists finalise their designs in consultation with the students. All through the process, students ideas have formed the basis of the Hubs, and they’ve been giving feedback on the artists’ work too. While the building hasn’t quite started yet, you can get a glimpse of some of the ideas involved in each of our new Hubs inside this month’s enews.
Plus our newest staff member Julia Gregg went in Edinburgh to attend the 2023 Conference for the International Alliance of Youth Writing Centres; our after school program road-tested the new digital studio gear bought for our new building through a Stronger Communities grant, thanks to federal MP Tim Watts; and local state MP Katie Hall visited the new building to install a little something special of her own.