Tasmanian teachers choose their adventure

Last week, we concluded our two-part teacher professional learning program for literacy educators in Tasmania. 

Here’s what the organisers at the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association, Tasmania South, had to say: 

‘100 Story Building delivered an incredibly inspiring and engaging presentation which provided our team with the confidence to push creative boundaries and explore the reading and writing connection in a new way. 

Many thanks to Brendan Barnett who facilitated the professional learning in a highly engaging and practical online space learning format and for clearly addressing the brief.’

In the first part, delivered in August, we gave the teachers the tools to get each student in their class writing a piece of original fiction using our online interactive Choose Your Own Adventure video workshop. 

The teachers then used these tools to get their Year 4-6 students to plot out a story with multiple, branching narratives. They engaged the class in a collaborative exercise to help each student identify their best storyline, which will be extended into a full written work. 

Then they reconvened in the second-part last week to share the outcomes and challenges, and explore ways to extend the activity and continue their students writing stories full of imaginative leaps and fantastic characters. 

ALEA, Tasmania South, were particularly impressed by the innovative and practical approach we took igniting children’s love for reading and writing. 

‘Through the process of ‘choose your own adventure stories’ the students were immersed in a world of writing for an audience and therefore strengthening the reading and writing connection through the approach.’ 

To find out more about our professional learning program, write to our Program Manager Simon Conlon at simon@100storybuilding.org.au

We also offer online creative literacy workshops for students (with/without follow-up professional learning sessions). View here.


Early Harvest - Choose Your Own Adventure


Early Harvest - How to Collaborate