Next Early Harvest Theme

We're trying something different for our Early Harvest program this year.

Each year we publish a collection of children's fiction, which is written and edited by Victorian school children, through this program.

This year, we want young readers at home to help us come up with the theme for this year's book. Over the next term, young writers at 9 schools will craft stories on this theme.

100 Story Building facilitator Brendan is here to help you figure out what makes a good theme.

Watch him use an inverted triangle and a praying mantis to discuss what is a good theme that inspires a lot of different story ideas, and what may be not such a good theme because it makes all writers feel like they have to write about the same thing.

If you are looking for inspiration, check out all our previous Early Harvest books. But remember, we can't repeat a theme. Your theme should be a new and fresh.

Send your theme idea to us at before 11 April. And follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to participate in the activities we run on them to help generate theme ideas.

You can also sign up to our newsletter for more updates, tips and activities.


Early Harvest Theme Vote


COVID-19: We move online