Early Harvest Theme Vote

Each year we publish a collection of children’s fiction, which is written and edited by Victorian school children, through our Early Harvest program. This year, we’ve decided to involve all of YOU, young writers at home in Australia, in selecting the theme for the 2020 Early Harvest book

So last week we asked you, experts in what children like, to send in your suggestions for the next Early Harvest book. 

Your response has been amazing. Our inbox has been flooded with fantastic themes.

Unfortunately, your suggestions were so good that despite our best efforts, we have only been able to narrow it down to 19! How do you choose between ‘the chosen one’ and ‘underwater adventures’? One lends itself to deep mystery and the other to romping fun.

So we are turning to you, the experts, again to help us narrow down the theme further. 

We want you to vote for your favourite theme below.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter where our facilitators Laura, Ben and Brendan, sharing their thoughts on the themes over the Easter break!

So what are you waiting for? HAVE YOUR SAY!


Themes shortlisted!


Next Early Harvest Theme