Professional Learning - Banksia Gardens Community Services

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Banksia Gardens Community Services wanted to bring life and energy to their 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM). Having to host it online this year and feeling like there would be a distinct lack of connection and community that an in-person event usually creates, they asked 100 Story Building to step in.

At the start of the AGM our facilitator invited everyone attending to drawing a character on a piece of paper. When it came time to vote, it was held up to the screen to indicate that a person was passing, or seconding, a motion within the meeting. The characters were drawn in energetic, positive poses with speech bubbles saying things like: "I'll second that!", "Great idea!", "Heck, yeah!"

This was a great opportunity to collaborate on an online event with Banksia Gardens Community Services, who have previously participated in a number of our professional learning sessions. Partnering with Meadows Primary School, they have been finding direct connections between our approach and ideas, implementing them within their Out Of School Hours, support services and adapting to online delivery.

To find out more about our professional learning program, write to our Program Manager Simon Conlon at

We also offer online creative literacy workshops for students (with/without follow-up professional learning sessions). View here.


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