Unlock your imagination
100 Story Building is a social enterprise developing creativity and literacy for children and young people, through workshop programs, online learning and community engagement.
Our mission
Our mission is to provide opportunities for the most marginalised children and young people in our community to build the literacy skills, confidence and sense of belonging that are fundamental to future success.
Our latest news
Our December newsletter featuring a fond farewell for Jessica Tran, launches for Early Harvest ‘Two-Faced Tales’ and Dinjerra Story Hubs and our Summer holiday program.
What our community says
“I just wanted to thank you for this year... One of my students took part in the Early Harvest editing program this year and it has been such an inspiring and confidence building exercise for him.”
Teacher involved in Early Harvest program
“I got to meet others who loved to write, and I got to think deeply about my writing on the pandemic/lockdown...when writing, you can really express what you feel in your writing, especially during these difficult times.”
Loyola, student participant in A User’s Guide to a Pandemic
“It was fantastic. Brendan did everything he possibly could to engage the students through an online platform rather than in person. He used the camera really well and demonstrated clearly for the students to copy from his drawings and labels.”
Angela Confoo, St Leonards Primary
“The professional learning has made us think a lot more creatively. Also learning ways to engage kids.”
Teacher, Story Hubs partner school
“It's made me more aware to be accepting of all students’ ideas or divert them in a positive way.”
Teacher, Story Hubs partner school
“So far the program has offered us time to be reflective and really unpack how and what we want to teach.”
Teacher, Story Hubs partner school
“Year 7 working group students were committed and engaged in a project that allows them to exercise their creativity and engage in critical thinking.”
Teacher, Story Hubs partner school
“The pilot gives us the chance to develop the literacy skills of our students in a fun,engaging and imaginative way. It offers our staff high levels of professional learning and the opportunity to ‘make learning fun’ and ‘interesting’ through imagination and scaffolded exploration of ideas and thought.”
Principal, Story Hubs partner school
“Students have been given the opportunity to learn the process of consultation and collaboration and have been given agency to make choices about their Story Hub.”
Teacher, Story Hubs partner school
“I saw a wonderful opportunity for our students. Imagine if they were exposed to this level of ‘theatre’ with their work. Where could this take us?”