Flash fiction: Little Penguins & Raining

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By Oysharjo (12 years old)

This story is featured in ‘A Users Guide to the Pandemic’

Lonely Penguins

The penguin pressed its face to the glass tank. Where did all the humans go? Why aren’t they pressing their fleshy faces to the tank as well? His penguin buddies were all wondering the same thing. ‘Are you a human?’ a penguin asked an escaped monkey wandering the penguin enclosure.


I love it when it rains. Especially in quarantine. Well, it’s basically the same thing, just with less car noises and being at home. The raindrops roll down the window. To my dismay one that I was looking at suddenly stops. I stare at it until it keeps going, absorbing other raindrops, getting faster and faster, until it reaches the bottom of my windowsill. It’s all peaceful until I get bored and bring out a bag of chips - the loud crunching clashing with the quiet pitter patter of the rain. Alright, time to get some more food and a book.

A User’s Guide to a Pandemic is a digital collection of writing by young people in Australia sharing their experiences of living through the current surreal times of COVID19.

Produced by eighty three young writers from all over Australia, in collaboration between youth writing centres Story Factory (Sydney), 100 Story Building (Melbourne), The Story Island (Tasmania) and StoryBoard (Byron Bay).

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Fiction: The Future Breakout


Non-fiction: I Survived Online School!