Your favourite invisibility potion

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Harry Potter had an invisibility cloak. But in the world of magic and wizardry, cloak isn’t the only pathway to invisibility. 

Invisibility potions can work just as well. Our favourite invisibility potion requires the following:

  • Five gum leaves

  • Three lemon seeds

  • The front tooth of a dead camel

  • A vulture feather

  • And... a secret ingredient… 

We can’t share the secret ingredient but here’s what we can tell you. If we forget to put it, instead of becoming invisible, our teeth will go bright blue for five days. 

What is YOUR favourite invisibility potion? What will happen if you forget to add the last SECRET ingredient? 

Write, draw, audio or video record your recipe (and potential disasters) and email it to us at We will share them in our weekly round up of stories! 

Things you need for this activity

  • If you are writing, pen / pencil and a paper

  • If you are audio / video recording, a smart phone or other recording device

  • And your imagination!

Follow our #100SBStoryMakers series on social media for activities to get children creating characters, building stories, making up new words and giving lateral thinking a go! 

For more young writer tips and games, sign up to our newsletter!


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