Professional Learning - Royal Botanic Gardens

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Recently the team at the Royal Botanic Gardens invited 100 Story Building to host two Professional Learning sessions focused on helping them transition to creating engaging workshop experiences online. 

Due to the recent lockdowns in Victoria, they are no longer able to deliver in person, which means they have lost the beautiful backdrop of the Cranbourne Gardens or the Botanical Gardens as their live props and environmental setting. 

Our facilitators helped them to get the best from their home set-up, prepare themselves for delivering through a camera, and showed them how to design their sessions for maximum engagement and interaction. 

Here’s some feedback from the participants:


100 Story Building are dedicated to upskilling educators to create engaging learning programs no matter the delivery mode. Incorporating professional practice from performance practitioners and focusing on interactivity with your audience to create fun and engaging sessions for everyone involved! 

To find out more about our professional learning program, write to our Program Manager Simon Conlon at

We also offer online creative literacy workshops for students (with/without follow-up professional learning sessions). View here.


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