Early Harvest Workshop - Character Experience

Workshop Session Two

For our second Early Harvest workshop, our young editors were joined by best-selling children’s author and co-founder of Early Harvest program, Davina Bell.

As part of our interactive-online session, our editors discussed where in the world would they visit on their next adventure (if they could!) and what similar or totally different experiences have they had with characters in their books.

Adventure is the theme of the 2020 Early Harvest book.

What’s a time you felt really similar to a character in a book?

Anamika: When I was reading a book called Thunderwith. The author puts so much detail with telling the main character’s emotions. I can relate to a lot of those emotions.

Jas: When I was reading Iris and The Tiger I felt similar because once i went somewhere without my parents like overseas. 

Aparanji: In the book Diary of the Wimpy Kid, when they go on holiday and when he thought it was going to be boring but it was not boring at all.

Naysa: When I was reading Wolf Girl Into the Wild I felt connected to the character because when I was little I got lost in Kmart and couldn’t find my parents.

Alice: When I was reading the book Alice Jones and she was determined like even after she was told not to do it .. she had her mind on it and didn’t give up.

What’s a time a character in a book came from a totally different experience/background than yours?

Sally: The books i read have super crazy characters and some of the things they do can sometimes be relatable to real life but most of the time they are crazy! One time my character saw a ghost and actually went to hang out with him but compared to real life, humans would be scared :0

Naysa: Reading the book Wolf Girl - Into the Wild the characters became totally different because she had wolves and dogs as her friends and like family!

Chloe: I read Anne of Green Gables - didn’t  have all the stuff i have today that I take for granted.

Alvis: This is also about the autobiography I read where the author had many bizarre experiences which I’d never had.

Early Harvest is a dynamic program for upper-primary students that gives them an in-depth experience of the publishing process. Under the program, we bring together an editorial board of Year 5 and 6 students who publish an annual fiction publication written by their peers.

View and buy all our previous fiction books from the program.


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