Cyber-space adventures and perilous (online) quests.

Once upon a time, a hero stepped out of their front door with a backpack full of useful tips and tricks, ready to go on a perilous quest that would lead them to their destiny... then turned around and went back inside. Because COVID.

But never fear! Perilous Quests can be just as exciting on Zoom! And they're a powerfully fun way to re-engage students exhausted by remote learning. Over the past 12 months, classes have been rediscovering the fun of learning as they explore what's beneath our cyber-trapdoor. And it turns out intergalactic adventures are even more futuristic when our computers become the spaceship's control panel!

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It's no secret that our times (and time travel) are a bit fickle at the minute. But after a year of lockdowns, COVID safe plans, and remote learning, our facilitators are experts in supercharging students' creativity through a screen. We are well-versed in delivering our workshops online, and anything that might otherwise be done in person can be delivered remotely.  It's just as engaging, just as effective, and just as fun.

When you book a workshop with us, you can be safe in the knowledge that your students will have an absolute blast, and that it's 100% risk-free. We can transform an in-person workshop into an online workshop with only 24 hours notice – that's how long it takes for the heroic pandawolf on Level 3 to log into Zoom (no opposable thumbs makes typing really slow).

Students who participate in online workshops enjoy the same outcomes as in-person workshops: more creative confidence and courage, an improved sense of belonging, and an increase in literacy outcomes. Whether blasting off in a spaceship, heading off on a perilous quest, or recounting some real-life adventures, we can't wait to take your students on a creative journey.


Check out our school workshops and book here.

Tomorrow Studio

We use strategic design, technology, and communications to create end-to-end digital solutions for service-based businesses.

Introducing this year's Early Harvest guest author - Amelia Mellor!


The 100 Story Building Approach: A Hero’s Backpack