Advice for an Awesome Life
It’s no secret we reckon that some of the best advice in life comes from comics. Thanks to the brilliant kids who came to AutobioGRAPHIC, our comic-making workshop at Stonnington Council’s [untitled] Literary Festival, we can share the following pointers with you.
Reading and sleeping are the two best things in the world.
Squirrels can NOT catch you if you are in a plane.
Camping is fun.
Awesomeness lies in Edinburgh Castle, swimming with stingrays and staring down snakes. Oh, and being a T-ball champion.
Not just kids go to school. So do firefighters, police, ambulances and BRASS BANDS. Rock.
Tell you what. We’re off to read a book now. In a tent. With a brass band.
Want 100 Story Building to present a comic or book-making workshop at your library or festival? Email us. All proceeds from these workshops help us to deliver free programs to disadvantaged children and young people in Melbourne’s west.